0421 443 440
mel@leelahnus.com.auI was diagnosed by doctors as having only months to live and had already had several surgeries to remove cancerous lesions from my body. I found out about Melanie by chance through a childcare centre where my nephew was attending and Melanie was working. She passed on her details for me to call her. I went to see Melanie and she witnessed me receiving a 2 hour ThetaHealing® which felt amazing with lots of beautiful colours and energy. Melanie received confirmation that I could have a scan in approximately 12 days and that all cancerous lesions would be gone. I eventually had the scan and where the cancerous lesions once were was now benign. This was 12 months ago and I have recently been given the all clear that I am officially in remission.
I am very grateful and feel Im begining a new chapter in life thanks to my trust and faith in allowing myself to be able to heal.
Grace - Gold Coast - 2010
There's a difference between knowing what you need to do and being able to do it! This, however is easier said than done. Melanie helped me to release these things that had been holding me back for a long time. I am truly grateful. Feelings of being let down and betrayed by friends and family. You can choose your friends, but family you cant. I no longer hold the deep resentment I used to have and ThetaHealing® helped me let go of a very hurt ego that was just stuck in transit. I would recommend ThetaHealing® for anyone wanting to make their life more peaceful & harmonious on the inside.
Helen - 2009
I have known Melanie for about 3 years. In that time she has discussed her healing and massage therapies with me. I was a sceptic about these types of healing practices until one day she invited me to have a therapy session with her. I was suffering depression after the loss of my partner so I decided to give it a try. It greatly helped me deal with accepting her death as well as other areas of my life. I am very grateful to her for helping me in this way. I would recommend her to anyone who is suffering from past or present life experiences. Melanie is very gifted in this area and has a very kind and compassionate nature.
Ken Brown, Minister of The Christian Church - Gold Coast - 2009
I have been both teacher and client with Melanie Wallis and find she is an extremely loving and warm and funny person, a profound healer who is always wanting to learn more about herself and for her clients. She will always go above and beyond what is called for and she will be a ThetaHealing® teacher with the highest of integrity and love and will support her students and clients equally... blessings
Colleen Clark, ThetaHealing® Teacher, Practitioner - 2007
Melanie is an extraordinary healer, using her highly tuned and accurate insights, she delves into the places with you to recover the lost parts of you bringing them into the light for healing with such love, grace and presence. Melanie is a healer of great measure drawing on her own healing journey. This makes her truly authentic in her knowledge and truth that she shares with you. She is committed to the highest standards of healing. She is a blessing for all who come in contact with her.
Christiana Rose
International Teacher of Australian Bush Flower Essences & Karuna Reiki Master - 2009
Melanie is a caring and insightful practitioner with the ability to see right to the heart of an issue. Using incredibly powerful methods of healing, she is able to identify and heal the core of physical and emotional dysfunction with ease. I highly recommend her to you.
Sarah James - 2009
How can I thank you for your amazing love and support? The course was truly 'transformative', done with so much love and laughter... truly the best (Creators definition). I am so honoured to be part of this group, thank you. I have reached my turning point all because of you!! I will never forget this gift. I thank you and Creator for this blessing. This course has restored my confidence and faith in everything.
Unconditional love always,
Clara - 2008
Melanie's massage is gentle and pain-free. Along with her massage, she precisely identifys the deep causes of the pain in different parts of my body, be it external sources, hidden belief programs, or shock and trauma and free floating memories. Melanie manages to integrate ThetaHealing perfectly with her massage and doing the healing throughout the whole process. Moreover, this experience also deepens my understanding of the knowledge I learn from the Intuitive Anatomy. I enjoyed Melanie's massage and healing very much.
Claire Yixin Zhong - 2019
This is one of the most relaxing, rejuvenating therapies I have had. What I loved about it was that after sixty minutes, I emerged feeling calm, clear and centred. I have had similar results after other therapies: a sometimes painful acupuncture session or a pommelling by a masseuse. Crystal bed therapy gives the same result with no pain or discomfort! It is a soothing, gentle way to peacefulness. I love it.
For the last couple of years, I have been increasingly concerned about my memory and mental acuity. Being a woman of a certain age, I have been told by many that this happens at my age, however it was causing me a degree of anxiety. Now, after two treatments, I am feeling clearer and more focussed. That "fuzziness" that I often felt has disappeared. The anxiety has been replaced by a renewed confidence in myself. Thanks, Mel.
R. Glover
Mt Isa, Mt Isa - 2014
Melanie's presence is one of openess and awareness. I have found her to be beautifully connected to Spirit as she connects to others with compassion and empathy, displaying her wisdom and light wherever she goes. Her humour is one of her greatest gifts, which is shared with many. Melanie leads with her heart, and is a blessing and inspiration to us all.
Bridget Kirwan - 2007
Since knowing Melanie I have had amazing healings which has changed my life for the better. I have had my friends notice the wonderful change in me which has made them ask me about ThetaHealing®. Melanie is a wonderful teacher who knows how to relay the information in an informative and fun way. When you participate in a ThetaHealing® course you see yourself and the other participants change every moment during the course. I have had the privilege of being Melanie's assistant when she is teaching and I am continually amazed at how much I learn from her. I hope that you take one of the ThetaHealing® courses that Melanie teaches as your life and your family's life will never be the same and you will be filled with joy for life.
Darleen Redman, Registered Nurse - 2009
You told me of an abundance; that I was going to be blessed with so much abundance and repeated that word several times. I could feel it and would describe the experience as though I was, with every sense available to me, living in the abundance as you spoke of it.
I had the experience of going through the meditative process with you and finding myself in a sea of love, which at first I resisted because of a fear of losing myself, but through trust let myself join. Being all at once connected with every living thing and being myself was a spectacular sensation which I feel very fortunate to have experienced. The same feeling has come to me many times, in varying degrees, each time by a unique perception. That was a particularly STRONG experience which has comforted me and helped me to reach forth for what I want.
At the time I was doing a seminar about finding your 'flow' and I have found and am living in mine. I always wanted to act and this year have been accepted into Full-Time study at the Actors Centre of Theatre and Television, and Part-Time study (Saturdays) at NIDA. I am on my path of Acting and feel that I am the richest person in the world because I get to do what I want everyday.
Truly-Belle Couper - 2009
Hi Mel,
After you finished the thetahealing session with me I didn't think it had worked. But when I got up from my bed to walk I suddenly had less pain in my back and down my leg. I had been in terrible pain for months and using crutches to walk as you know. The next day I didn't need my crutches as the pain had gone, it was amazing! The pain has never returned.
Thank you.
Tim Kenna, Gold Coast - 2014
Melanie has given me regular massage treatments for several years as well as incorporating it with her ThetaHealing®. Her work has proved itself to me and allowed me to continue working at my full potential with minimal loss of time.
Les Eames, Emu Tree Lopping/Rural Fencing and National Champion Polocrosse Player - 2007
I received a massage from Melanie when I was operating excavators in mining, and after years of having lots of modality body work done, Melanie's massage was one of the best and long lasting therapies I've ever had.
Glen - 2012
Millenium Mine - Moranbah
Melanie gave me regular massages at the Alice Springs physiotherapy clinic. I can't begin to tell you how it helped me in every area in my life, from my stressful work situation, to taking care of my mother. I would recommend Melanie's massage to anyone.
C. from Alice Springs - 2015
Thanks, Mel. Just had a super massage with a bit of Theta Healing thrown in to reverse a long-standing injury. Feeling much freer already and my posture is immediately better – and you left me with a few exercises to keep up the good work!
Mel gave me a healing session about 15 years ago in Cairo and it led to a positive change in my life; different time, different place and different issues - but I am expecting great things again. Roll-on the future.
Nigel, Glen Innes - 2018
I came to Gold Coast to attend a Seminar this January from Hong Kong. Since childhood, I have been constantly experiencing chronical fatigue and fibromyalgia up till now. I have been travelled a lot in the past year. Even though I enjoy my work a lot, this lifestyle is still physically demanding to me. I am glad a local friend of mine referred Melanie (Leelahnus) to me. During my two-week stay in Gold Coast, I was fortunate enough to receive Melanie's massage twice.
Melanie's massage is gentle, precise and pain-free. During the whole session, I can feel tension and pains being released from my joints and deep tissues all over my body. Energy starts to mobilize in those areas and my mind becomes quieter and calmer. Struggling thoughts simply ceased.
Thanks to Melanie's healing hands, my physical body has been healed a lot. After I come back to Hong Kong, I notice that it becomes easier for me to stretch my body more and I enjoy more of practicing hula dance, which requires a lot of hip movements. My face also looks tighter and more lifted. Further the healing also occurs on the emotional and cognitive level as well. My mind becomes lighter and I am more joyful than before.
Thank you Melanie for your wonderful massage!
Claire Yixin Zhong - 2019
My weekly session of Yoga with Melanie have improved my flexibility, core strength and clarity of mind. Melanie's Yoga style is enjoyable, challenging and keeps me feeling great. The ThetaHealing® session helped me to replace my old bad habits with positive affirmations that are helping me to achieve the goals I set for myself. I would strongly recommend Melanie to anyone who wants more health, happiness and wealth in their life
Rob Thompson
Property Investor - 2008
Melanie has taught yoga classes to our mining crew for several months in which time the participants of the class had the best sleep and improved overall performance at work.
The Crew Trainer
Millenium Mine - Moranbah - 2012