0421 443 440
mel@leelahnus.com.auMelanie was born in Winton in Western Queensland and grew up on Cork Station.
She was first aware of experiencing her own depression and anxiety in her teens, and this started her on a healing journey up to now. She tried taking medication but was too sensitive and they did not agree with her.
In her 30's she was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, had studied some healing modalities and started working in the Massage Industry.
Melanie discovered ThetaHealing and Yoga in her early 40's and this along with Massage lead to her recovery of the above disorders and more.
During and since this period she travelled to many countries including Israel, India, and Brazil and studied meditation and healing. If you are feeling overwhelmed, tired, chronic pain, stress, disease, unfulfilled, fearful of the future, grief, sadness and related issues call Melanie for a transformational session of thetahealing that can heal you and change your life.
She admits being fortunate to study ThetaHealing Teacher Training with its founder Vianna Stibal; receive healing from St John of God at his Casa in Brazil; attending the O&O Academy in India; and having completed her Diploma in Remedial Massage with Evolve College in Australia.
She is certified in: